In doing that, they fly from PDX to St Paul then to Atlanta!! There in lies the Here and Now!! HE had it planned along and God met them there at the airport and met a heart felt desire and need for Julie to connect with her mentor and life coach!! WOW....That is great!!!
To God be the Glory!!!
Here and Now!!!! Just saw the Lord working...Julie wanted so badly to connect with many of our friends and all but time, pressures and house consumed her time, energy and focus. Then preaching the sermon God gave me today titled Here and Now, I see why they didn't make their flights. Her life mentor and coach is in Atlanta and she really wanted to see her and her husband. The only way that would happen is if she missed her flight and had to stay over in Atlanta...well, they board at 3ish Sunday afternoon via St Paul to arrive at midnight and then spend most of the day with Mary Pinkerton and Mike!!!!!!! God is so GOOD!!!!! WOW...Here and Now!! Julie McCaw Shackelford you get a blessing to see them!!!! Thank you Lord!!!!
Just had to share this with those that don't have Facebook but read our blog!!