Monday, September 23, 2013

The Challenge of a New Day

This morning at 0600 hrs, my cell phone went off. It was my son and my daughter in the states calling to let us know that Julie's mom, Darlene McCaw had suffered a massive heart attack.  Now that is a wake up call.

We began to pray and knowing that we were so far away, I loved how our children stepped into roles there by mom's bed to help us feel a part as well as give direction and comfort to others that were there.

You see, the challenge of a new day starts the minute we wake up. The minute we determine to rejoice in the days events that have happened, will happen and maybe even in those that won't happen we had planned.

Well, that all said, we do rejoice in the fact that mom is still alive a the time of this writing.
Mom has labored for her Master well through out everyday of her life.
Mom has passed on to her children and her grand children and even her great grandchildren the fact that the most important thing in life is what you do with Jesus.

Just hours before mom's heart attack, she was loving on our two grandson's Garrett and Jaxon at Jaxon's 1st birthday party.  I can imagine to, mom holding Jaxon and saying, "I love you, I am praying for you and Jaxon, you are Thumb body special!"  You see, mom used that line to tell people young and old that they were someone special.

Mom has faced the past 13 years of challenges with the knowledge that God loves her, that others were praying for her and that yes, she is Thumb body Special!!!!

Mom, we love you and are honored to be your kids as well as to be Team mates for the kingdom together!

How will you face the challenges of your new day today and tomorrow?

Know that God loves you and that you are "Thumb body special!"

Saturday, August 3, 2013

The 3L's...Learning Life's Lessons

Today I was working on the final touches to my sermon for tomorrow at Chapel Next on post and listening to KLOVE radio, two songs just struck me in a real powerful way.

The first one helps us recognize who we are in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.  It isn't about whether we fit the mold of the world.  The most popular or the most successful.  It matter that I know I belong to  Him and that I am His Beloved!! Song By Jason Gray, Remind me who I am.

The second one was, Your Love Never Fails.  Listening to it and then seeing the lyrics, really struck me...You make all things work together for my good! and Your love never changes!!  These words brought an ocean of joy, peace and encouragement over me.

God works all things out even though it isn't always in our time line.  Preaching last week on 1 Peter 2:4-10...I gave a one line summary..."His People and His Plan for His Purpose!"  When I place all things in that perspective, my struggles, issues and concerns, pale in what He wants of me. Song by Jesus Culture, Your Love Never Fails

Thank you Father that you never change, move, leave, drift, wander, question, doubt or do any of the things that I do.  Thank you for forgiving me and restoring me.  Thank you that part of Your Purpose is to RESTORE!!  Not destroy but to RESTORE!!!

If you get a chance, listen to both of these songs and ask the Holy Spirit to just speak TRUTH into your heart, soul and mind.  You will find and receive strength and peace when He delivers to His Beloved!!

My prayer as you read this and listen to the songs, that the Holy Spirit will do for you what He did for me.  That He will meet you where you are and how you are and the you will surrender to Him!
May the Lord bless you as you seek Him and travel in the journey of life!

Together we can make it as we walk with and in Him together!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Fourteen Days of Dependence

Over the past fourteen days, I have found them very difficult!  It came on all of a sudden on Friday two weeks ago after our monthly CSM staff meeting.  Assuming that it was simply the usual allergies that have popped up since our time in Baumholder and now in Idstein with the pollen!  Oh wasn't allergies.

Having spent the entire weekend taking allergy meds and no relief, then heading to a World Wide CSM staff conference, I was not winning the battle.  I spent that whole week sleeping every free minute I had, coughing and feeling miserable...only to find out that I had walking pneumonia! Yep...what a shocker.

Now, fourteen days later, I am at about 60 percent of my energy and the coughing is getting better. Thank the Lord for medicine and a caring doctor!  Just a few more weeks and I may be better!  Can't wait!

Now, the whining is over and the lesson is being learned.  The lesson, is I have to put my FULL dependence in the only ONE that can make a difference. During the sleepless cough filled nights, God and I did some serious talking.  The reality that I need Him and must fully depend on HIM is crucial.

I am so glad that HE is a loving and patient GOD that loves me even when it takes me a while to learn the lesson HE has for me.

After having to cancel the last several days of ministry due to my health, I asked the Lord to provide the strength to teach on Wednesday night at Refuge, (our high school ministry) and HE did. I went to the office to get final prep done and then to hang out with our students at our coffee shop, Chatterbox, and then having several of our volunteers there, they ran games, the meal and I just observed.  Then, it came time to teach the lesson...GOD was so good...Thank you Lord.  My energy came back, sustained me for the entire time and in addition, HE held of any coughing fit the entire time I was teaching HIS Word and the lesson this week on..."I AM in Christ!"  A series that I have been working through with the students for the last few weeks!

Thanks Lord for helping me learn to fully depend on YOU!  YOU are always faithful and I am grateful for that.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Time Flies Bye!

Recently we went on a day trip and saw this cuckoo clock! Hanging outside of the shop, it boast one of the largest handmade and working clocks! It was incredible.

It made me realize one thing...time flies bye quickly!

We have been in Germany almost a year at the end of March and we can not believe it.  We know that the Lord is moving and working in the hearts and lives of many of the families that we have the privilege of serving.  We have weekly been working with middle schoolers in our OASIS  program, REFUGE for high schoolers and Connect SL for our dependents that are college age.

Weekly we hang out with students with Bible studies, youth group as well as in our Chatterbox Cafe'...our coffee shop at the youth house!  It is so much fun and daily working with them we see God moving.  We see God doing some incredible things in their lives.

Just last week, one of the students came to me and said, "I am so glad that you, Melanie and Mama Shack are here! You have helped me and my family out in ways you will never know!" "Thank you for coming and obeying God!"

Time is is precious and we are thankful for the time we do have with each of the families and students. Thank you for taking time to pray for us regularly as we minister to our friends.  It is make an eternal difference!