Friday, December 12, 2014

The Night of Joy!

Last night, we had the privilege of going and enjoying our oldest grandson Garrett's school Christmas program.

It has been two years since we got to enjoy his last one and we were excited.  The auditorium was almost completely full with parents, children, friends and of course...grandparents!  I was one of them and not ashamed of that one bit!

As the older students began to play their musical instruments, the sound filled the room and the JOY of the season came flooding in.  I even found myself remembering the years that I played the trumpet at our Christmas programs and the joy that others felt as we played.

In the first act of the night, the kindergarten class preformed two short songs including the ringing of their hand bells.  Of course, as you know...there is always one child that is the center of attention. Dressed in a nice new black suit, white shirt and tie, he rang his bell proudly and in open view of all to see. What a joy to watch them perform without any hesitation or fear that Simon Cowell would reject their vocal efforts.

Then, it was time for the 1st and 2nd graders! (drumroll please) As this is my moment as a grandfather to be proud, excited and full of JOY! There, dressed nicely in his freshly ironed white shirt and sharp tie, stood center stage...the one and only Garrett! Okay...give me a break as I write...I love the little man! He sang well, smiled when cued to and even made eye contact with the audience...he I think is on his way to audition for the VOICE soon.

They sang their first two songs with no hitch and received positive affirmation from the crowd.  Then almost all the way through their third and final song, the most dreaded thing happened.  No, not to my Garrett thankfully, but, to one of his classmates. No, this student didn't pass out either...worse!

Yes, the nerves of the evening or the dinner he had just eaten, came out with a vengeance! Sorry, it did happen. While snapping photos, I caught the before shot of the group singing and then, looking through my view finder, I snapped the next picture and sure enough, the student was not in the frame. What happened...who knew but the night of JOY, well let's just say this will be a program we talk about for quite sometime.

When all was done, cleaned up and the next group of students took the stage, the night went on without any other  moments to steal the JOY of the night.

Well, as I wrap this up, I want to encourage you to not let something snatch the JOY of the season from you. Remember that the true reason for the season is JESUS!

Oh and yes, the student is doing better now!

Love the SMILE on his face!!!  

Merry Christmas to each of you!
May the Lord bless you!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014


Over the course of the last five years, we have experienced as a family a number of different transitions and one thing we have found for sure, only ONE thing remains the same in all transitions.

No matter whether the transition was changing ministries, moving to a foreign land, starting all over in school for one of our daughters, learning a new language, going off to war for a second time, having the blessing of grandsons and many other ones, transitions come.

How we respond to each one of the transitions really makes a big difference in how the transition goes as well as how we see the transition.

No one ever said that transitions are easy. Even transition in music is tough.  There are key changes that are very difficult and yet, when done properly, the sound is beautiful!

So to with transitions in life, when done properly and in the right way, the transition is beautiful.

We are so grateful for all that the Lord has and is doing in our lives during the latest transitions. We have seen the Lord doing some amazing and beautiful things in our lives.  From numerous people, gifts, efforts and relationships, God is making something amazing and beautiful!  

We may not like the transition or the situation we are in but as long as we remember the ONE thing, God is in control! He is making the transitions in our lives and even though we don't see it, the end result, we can rest in the fact that God is making the changes and transition for us to see and know that He is the ONE thing that remains.

Scripture tells us this, "Jesus, the Messiah, is the same yesterday and today  and forever!" Hebrews 13:8.  As you  move through and wrestle with the transitions in your own life, take joy in the fact that He is the same!