Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Departure Day is Near

With only 4 full days left before we embark on an new chapter of our life, we are torn.  Yes, torn.  It has been an exciting time to see what God has and is doing in our lives and yet, leaving family and friends behind is so tough. Therefore, the state of being torn.

And yet, as a dear brother and pastor of ours, Dan Franklin said, "God wants you to put aside your agenda and follow His Agenda!"  You know what, His agenda is definitely the one I want to follow.  His leading is covered by His eternal hands and arms that hold us, secure us and take us where He wants us.  When we choose to follow His agenda, the blessings from His storehouse began to and continue to flow!

We have seen from our airline tickets being covered completely by some outstanding folks that care and love to another team member sharing wisdom and inside from the view of a retired US Army chaplain.  We have witnessed team members sacrificially giving to our monthly support and outgoing expenses.  Our prayer team increasing daily and knowing that the Lord is totally in control.

Also, today, the women of our home church honored my wife by sharing about how her passion for the Lord, His Word and passion for them has encouraged them, motivated them and pointed them to our Eternal Groom, Jesus!!  What a great tribute and way to honor my lady!! That makes me feel great!

Thanks for the love, support, encouragement, prayers and sacrificial giving to ensure that this generation of students in Germany experience the love of Jesus from us through your part of being on our team.

With that, we depart on the 1st of March from PDX to start this new chapter!  Thanks for being a part of ministry that impacts lives around the world.  We will be at the airport at 9 am to check in and then travel to Frankfurt to serve God and to serve our military and the Cadence Student Ministry staff!

Thanks again!  Our love and God's blessing on each of you!  Shack and Julie

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Plane Left Without Me!

Some of you know that I was scheduled to leave on 31 January for our short term assignment with Cadence Student Ministry.  This was changed due to the lack of housing there in Baumholder.  The Lord, as He always does, wasn't surprised by this.  Although I was a bit disappointed, I am thrilled that I get to enter into ministry in Germany with my wife at my side.

We have done ministry for 29 years together and I was not real excited about starting in a new culture with out her.  Now, we leave on 1 March and will be there through the 23rd or so of May.  When we return, we will head off to a Family Camp where I have the pleasure of teaching from the Word of God!! Can't wait.

As for the plane leaving, it has gone, landed and is well, who knows, stranded by ice and snow in the mid west or on the east coast by now.  That is okay...I am here!!

I just finished an email update that was sent out. If you don't receive that and would like to, send me your email address and I would love to add you to our list.  Thanks for your prayers and encouragement as we embark on a new adventure and journey!

If you would also like to join our ministry support team, you can do so by clicking on this link and scrolling to our name, Shackelford, Jeff 10767 and give there.

Blessing to each of you as you read this and pray for us!