Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What a life!!

I recently attended the 90th birthday for a special and dear friend!  She is one of those people that when you are with her, you not only feel like you are the most important person, you feel her love and acceptance.

It is because of nothing that I have done, it is because of who she is! She is a Child of the King!

The King has made her so special and she radiates that to those that come in contact with her.  Her demeanor and her personality is so attractive and her attitude is one of making sure you know her King and that you are of value.

When you look at Margaret Hovey, you see not only the beauty of a love for Jesus, you see the beauty of a life transformed and of real value.  Her beauty is rooted deep inside and it is there for all to see.  When you talk with her over a cup of tea, she always communicates her love for the King and her desire for you to know Him and love Him too.

It is infectious and it is so real! How do you get there? Ask her and she will tell you, "He finds me of value and worth and that means, so are you!"  WOW!!  That is a life lived out in all ways.

It was an honor to be there with my friend and also was an honor to pray a blessing over her from the King, our King on His special daughter! What a life!  Oh, that I would have a life that would do the same.  Is your life radiating the King?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

How to hear from God

Last Sunday I had the privilege of teaching at our home church in our Sunday School class.  The Prime Mover class is such a great class and they are a real blessing to us and so many.

As I sought the Lord for what He wanted me to share it became apparent that the lessons of the week were for me to work through and live out His topic for me.  So as I prayed and prepped, I found myself searching the scriptures for those who had either learned the lesson or didn't learn how to hear from God.

Moses, Abraham, Jacob, Elijah, Jonah, David and Paul just to name drop as well as to know, that everyone that follows God, has to learn how to hear from Him.  The key two ingredients to this I found was that we have to first be clean before Him.

Secondly, we have to stop, be still and get low before Him.  When our lives, circumstances and chaos is always going on, we are distracted and then, we don't always hear.  When we put the advise and counsel of the world and others, that can and does distort the way we hear and listen to the Lord.

I also found that His desire is for me to Be Still!  One way I found that was through the scripture as well as a song by the group Selah titled, Be Still.  It moved me to tears all week long as I reflected on the Word and the lyrics to the song.  You can find it on YouTube and I would encourage you to take a moment and listen to it.  If you are friends with me on Facebook, you can find it linked on my wall too.

So, in the middle of life, chaos, heartache, disaster and even in the calm, we all need to practice a bit of being still so we can hear from God.

Thanks to the body in Prime Movers that let me share and allowed me to just be me and teach His Word from my own life experience.  If you would like to hear it, here is the link to the download. once there, scroll down to January 29th and you should see my name.

May the Lord bless you as you hear from Him!