Saturday, August 3, 2013

The 3L's...Learning Life's Lessons

Today I was working on the final touches to my sermon for tomorrow at Chapel Next on post and listening to KLOVE radio, two songs just struck me in a real powerful way.

The first one helps us recognize who we are in the eyes of our Heavenly Father.  It isn't about whether we fit the mold of the world.  The most popular or the most successful.  It matter that I know I belong to  Him and that I am His Beloved!! Song By Jason Gray, Remind me who I am.

The second one was, Your Love Never Fails.  Listening to it and then seeing the lyrics, really struck me...You make all things work together for my good! and Your love never changes!!  These words brought an ocean of joy, peace and encouragement over me.

God works all things out even though it isn't always in our time line.  Preaching last week on 1 Peter 2:4-10...I gave a one line summary..."His People and His Plan for His Purpose!"  When I place all things in that perspective, my struggles, issues and concerns, pale in what He wants of me. Song by Jesus Culture, Your Love Never Fails

Thank you Father that you never change, move, leave, drift, wander, question, doubt or do any of the things that I do.  Thank you for forgiving me and restoring me.  Thank you that part of Your Purpose is to RESTORE!!  Not destroy but to RESTORE!!!

If you get a chance, listen to both of these songs and ask the Holy Spirit to just speak TRUTH into your heart, soul and mind.  You will find and receive strength and peace when He delivers to His Beloved!!

My prayer as you read this and listen to the songs, that the Holy Spirit will do for you what He did for me.  That He will meet you where you are and how you are and the you will surrender to Him!
May the Lord bless you as you seek Him and travel in the journey of life!

Together we can make it as we walk with and in Him together!

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